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I'm a retired chemist and stay at home mom. I read a wide variety of books, mostly fiction with romantic elements. I love PNR, UF, Sci-Fi, fantasy, mystery, romance, health, and finance books. 

Currently reading

Magic Rises
Ilona Andrews
Financial Fitness for Beginners - A 12-Week Training Program (Canadian Edition)
Diana E. Young
Ruthie Knox
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (Audio CD (unabridged)) - Niall Ferguson, Simon Prebble just started listening to it. The tone is highbrow and off-putting but the content is good so far****Ok, so I got the book out of the library because the audio book was too detailed. That is one problem with audiobooks, you can't skim easily. Anyway, I have struggled to finish this book and eventually read about half, skimmed the middle third and read the final section on the Descent of Money. Two positives about this book; one-lots of European history and descriptions of the financial perspectives on the events of history; two-the chapter on the bond market did a pretty good job explaining the relationship between the bond market, interest rates, and confidence in the current 'management'. On the negative side, this book was not a concise history of money...it really meandered through history and jumped around a fair bit in time. I think my education will be better served by reading the books by Bernstein, Schiller, Galbraith, and Siegel in my TBR pile.