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I'm a retired chemist and stay at home mom. I read a wide variety of books, mostly fiction with romantic elements. I love PNR, UF, Sci-Fi, fantasy, mystery, romance, health, and finance books. 

Currently reading

Magic Rises
Ilona Andrews
Financial Fitness for Beginners - A 12-Week Training Program (Canadian Edition)
Diana E. Young
Ruthie Knox
Lady Sophia's Lover - Lisa Kleypas 4/5; 4 stars; A- I recently re-read this book and had completely forgotten the 'revenge plot' angle. Normally this is a trope I don't like in a book but Kleypas handled it beautifully. She did such a great job of creating the characters of Sophia and Sir Ross and developing their relationship that the revenge plot did not become an annoying hindrance to the progress of the story line. Instead, the way it was handled served to demonstrate positive things about these two characters. Its hard not to love both main characters in this book.