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I'm a retired chemist and stay at home mom. I read a wide variety of books, mostly fiction with romantic elements. I love PNR, UF, Sci-Fi, fantasy, mystery, romance, health, and finance books. 

Currently reading

Magic Rises
Ilona Andrews
Financial Fitness for Beginners - A 12-Week Training Program (Canadian Edition)
Diana E. Young
Ruthie Knox
Stormwalker - Allyson James 4/5; 4 stars; A-Stormwalker was a pleasant surprise for me. This is Jennifer Ashley writing as Allyson James. I've enjoyed several of Ashley's books and have been ambivalent about the Shareem stories by James so didn't know what to expect. This book is a fine example of paranormal romance. It might be a little bit formulaic, but the characters and action are more than enough to keep the reader interested. I definitely will read more in this series.