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I'm a retired chemist and stay at home mom. I read a wide variety of books, mostly fiction with romantic elements. I love PNR, UF, Sci-Fi, fantasy, mystery, romance, health, and finance books. 

Currently reading

Magic Rises
Ilona Andrews
Financial Fitness for Beginners - A 12-Week Training Program (Canadian Edition)
Diana E. Young
Ruthie Knox

Kissing Comfort

Kissing Comfort - Jo Goodman 4/5; 4 stars; A-A book by Jo Goodman always hits the spot for me. I like the way she develops her characters. Her females tend to be smart and full of moxy. I liked this story. I was hoping it was connected to the Reidsville books but its not. I should say that I really wish they wouldn't put a decapitated naked male torso on this type of book. What is the point? Its insulting to the author and the reader IMO. At no point in the story is a half naked, ripped, male lounging around, leaning on a fence. ARGH!