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I'm a retired chemist and stay at home mom. I read a wide variety of books, mostly fiction with romantic elements. I love PNR, UF, Sci-Fi, fantasy, mystery, romance, health, and finance books. 

Currently reading

Magic Rises
Ilona Andrews
Financial Fitness for Beginners - A 12-Week Training Program (Canadian Edition)
Diana E. Young
Ruthie Knox
Lucas (Vampires In America, #6) - D.B. Reynolds 4/5; 4 stars; A-I really enjoyed this book. This whole series has been consistently good. The only short coming in my mind was the part of the plot around Daniel's kidnapping. Its one element of the book that wasn't fleshed out and developed enough IMO. However, the romantic suspense and likeable characters far outweighed that aspect of the book. Can't wait for the next one in the series.